Hello world... So push notifications .. Any update?
Hello world
I'm just popping my head up above the bunker to see if there has been any news on push notifications with GameSalad. I've been distracted for the past 18 months setting up our own little uk animation and film company.
I'd love to dust off and publish my old multiplayer game (old forum thread) but I've never seen the point without the ability to use push notifications to remind players to play their turn. (Unless anyone knows of a way to do it via a server in which case that could work?).
I hope all is well in and around the forum and everyone is doing brilliantly on the App Stores of the world.
Jon aka Stormy
As of now still no. Technically, you could send push notifications over adhoc. You'd have to manually receive each phone's UDID and then you can do it. But Gamesalad has not implemented a way to request for this information
It is very limiting not having this as a tool. Look it up in the bug reports and put a vote down...