How to get enemy alerts
How to set up alerts like watch out! in this game
To help player increase awareness of the enemy.
Will show up 10 seconds into game.
How to set up alerts like watch out! in this game
To help player increase awareness of the enemy.
Will show up 10 seconds into game.
You can do it this way i attached a demo hope it helps
If your Hero actor wont move right and left, you can avoid constraining its position to a game attribute , you can do it this way
if self.position x is < 900 and self.position.x is > 568
display text
Another mystery solved
Thank you
A couple of quick notes, you don't need to constrain the hero's X position as there is nothing changing the hero's x position - also you cannot have a random value for an 'every' timer, 'every' means 'all' of something / 'all' of a set, so whereas every-2-seconds makes sense, every-differing-value doesn't make much sense !
Or to put it another way, saying a shop opens every Saturday makes sense, saying a shop opens every random day doesn't make much sense, there would be no use for the word 'every' here.
Anyhow, basically an every-random timer doesn't work, the timer will simply generate a random value and use that single random value for every iteration.
Hope that makes sense !
@Socks Yes I already mentioned no need to constrain if the hero wont move , but the random every timer , i didnt think of it this way before , your right it makes sense now
@Socks how would i make this ? i just noticed now it really doesnt work
I did it alot before and never noticed , so
if i wanted to spawn after random number of seconds , and repeat the same timer over and over, I will have to put it in a condition with a game attribute ? Is this the way to approach it ?
I do it like this . . .
After random(x,y)
--Spawn something
--Spawn this actor
@Socks nice ! thanks alot
If you want to limit the amount of spawns (let's say to 200) . . . make a game.attribute, let's call it 'S'.
When S is < 200
--Change S to S+1
--After random(x,y)
----Spawn something
----Spawn this actor
Hi I have a little problem. I managed to set up the alerts on the left and right side, following @Icebox method. But I failed to do it on up side.
Can you advise me on these?
Hi I have a little problem. I managed to set up the alerts on the left and right side. But I failed to do it on up side.
Can you advise me on these?
The links dont open for some reason, sorry ! But its easy to do just wrap a condition to keep track of how close it is to the hero's y position.
In the enemy actor
if self.position y is < maximum y position and
self.position y is > minimum y position (so its between these 2 values)
display text, relative to the scene at the positions you want
They open fine. Try a different browser. Or a zoom button on the left side please.
I tried it doesnt display anything just a blank page , maybe its a regional thing ,anyway here is an explanation i think you will get it by your own. Good luck !
Try this one
I have provided the rules but i don't know what is wrong with them
Yes get rid of the constrain and make it the way i mentioned above
it will work
My way it does work but, the ''!'' is flying around like crazy, i just want it to be next to the screen edge and follow bird's position.
Also my scene height is bigger than showed and I understand the concept, but having trouble maintaining alert's position.
Your problem is here , adjust its position the way you want , x is horizontal and y is vertical. Horizontal should be self.position.x and vertical is a fixed number for the top edge.
I just had them mixed up. I see, I see