Best way to decide score in running game
So...Im a bit stuck when it comes to how to best set the score in a running game.
As it is now Im recording the time it takes to complete the level, and display that like this:
1:43:36 (minute:seconds:miliseconds)
The problem is that the times tend to get almost the same (down to the miliseconds)
Even if the level is played differently , the way you can play it does not make the time differ enough for it to make it competitive.
I was thinking of adding time per death or something similar to make the scoring more interesting.
Do you have any good suggestions?
Coin pick ups? Time plus bonus points for pickups?
Could have "traps" that take away points.......
Probably the most common ones.
@Tuque Thanks for the suggestion.
Don't have anything to pick up, so taking away points or adding seconds for every attempt is probably what Im going to do. Have to figure something good out
Have you tried downloading a dozen or so similar games from one of the app stores and see what they do to make level times a little more competitive
I will always download a dozen or more similar games, take note of the best bits and see how they do certain things. I never finish a project after collecting all those ideas mind
Found some bits that I like, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
That's what I thought. If it was simple you are smart enough to know that.
Hard to say without playing or seeing your game.