Can you publish GS games to the iOS App Store with a Windows computer?
Just read somewhere that you need a Mac to publish to iOS. Does this include GS games or is there a way to publish your GS games to both Android & iOS from a Windows computer?
Just read somewhere that you need a Mac to publish to iOS. Does this include GS games or is there a way to publish your GS games to both Android & iOS from a Windows computer?
Yes you can, just go to File and Publish, then log in and it gives you the same options to publish as if you were on a Mac.
Hope that helped
And to be more detailed in your Creator click File > Publish and it will upload.
It'll then take you to to sign in and publish your app.
If it doesn't work you might need Pro like I do
But it might idk
A computer running Mac OS is needed to publish to the iTunes. Im not sure if there is another way to do it. I think GS allows you to test your app on windows through GS viewer , but publishing to app store is another thing
Yeah I plan on getting pro.
Is iTunes the same as the App Store lol? I've never used Apple so I don't know much about it. I just know you're shooting yourself in the foot if you only have your app on Android. And I think it's pretty scummy of Apple if they require you to have a Mac to publish games, if that indeed is the case. Also pretty scummy of GS to advertise that you can make a game and publish to quote "all major platforms" without telling you you're going to need a Mac to actually do just that. Again, if it is the case.
You also get this
@Icebox touche. It's still pretty scummy and greedy for Apple to do that. But if that's how it is, that's how it is. In that case, do you know any way around this?
@game factory Not really sorry ,i worked on a windows at the beginning and saved money to buy a mac, so i dont really know , I think others might have a way to do it with macincloud mentioned above , but i dont know anything about it.
@Icebox Well thank's for letting me know man. Can you tell me what kind of success you had just publishing to android at first? I imagine you're really hurting yourself by cutting your audience in half. And I'd assume you had lots of ppl that wanted your games but couldn't get them because theyre on apple. maybe I'm wrong and it's not as bad as it seems
@Game factory no, dont think about it this way , it really depends on your game , if people like it they will get it. Google play is good , it might be even better for free games , but i wont say it always is, just from looking around some members make more revenue in google play than app store so dont worry about it too much just focus on making a good polished game. If your really into game making and google play is your only option dont let it hold you back , its still a good opportunity and a great market. (dont forget amazon)
I'm very into it. I hope I don't sound like I'm just looking for money. It's by no means my priority but at the end of the day it does matter. I'd never let this hold me back. This is my passion. I will start on Google and get a mac at some point.
I've actually never really looked into that. Do people publish free games there or just paid? And can anyone download games from amazon or just android users. I ask because I've heard Apple doesn't really allow you to download from 3rd party sources. I may be wrong about that though as I've never owned an Apple device.