setting up admob
Hello guys, I'm trying to set up admob, watched a video and checked out the gs cookbook. A couple of questions there seems to be a step 4 that is not covered in any of the info I have researched. not sure what to do with the step 4. The info it seems to be giving is for c+ or Xcode. Do i just skip this step? The images for the cookbook tutorials aren't showing up for this.
I don't see anything with xCode or C+ in your screenshot?
Yeah all you do is sign up for admob, then copy your gameID into the gamesalad option when publishing. No difficult programming or anything.
That's just saying put "Show banner" to see your ad popup above
Thanks, just in case anybody else is wondering it is ok to skip step 4 when monetizing app with admob. I skipped it when setting it up and the interstitial ads started showing