How Do I increase Movement speed +1 after touch?
Member, BASIC Posts: 8
I want actor to increase Movement speed +1 after touch? What is the formula for that please?
How are you moving the actor ?
It is a background that will continuously repeat itself downwards since I wrapped the scene's Y. So any time I tap the screen it should +1 on the movement speed (downwards)
If I need another actor to trigger it's movement that's fine... but what is/are the formula/s for that?
How are you moving the background ?
@Socks is asking, are you moving the actor via move, interpolate, accelerate, constrain etc? Because it will be different depending on what you are using. Or are you not using anything yet?
Oh. I'm using the "Move" behavior.
Thanks for clearing that up NNterprises.
I don't have it in front of me but I think MOVE rule moves it in the direction you choose at a speed you choose.
Create a real global attribute on the side called SPEED.
Instead of choosing a speed as a number, put that attribute in there.
On whatever actor you are clicking/tapping, do:
When touch is pressed,
Change attribute SPEED to SPEED + 1
Thanks MIL NNterprises!!! It worked!!!
Instead of Global I created SPEED on the very own actor's attributes section.