For Indie Game Developers
Hello, our team at has created a unique platform to connect Indie Game Developers with gamers around the world. We are currently in our Pre -Launch and signing up new gamers and developers everyday! We need awesome games to showcase to our gamers once the Pre-Launch has ended. This is a never before seen opportunity to get your games the most exposure possible. If you are interested, you can sign-up and post for 30 days free at If you have any questions please let me know Thanks, hope to see you there!
It's pretty cool/useful, I recommend it while it's free
Hmmmm..... I dunno. I don't get it.
Developers pay to have their games on your website... Shouldn't that be the other way around?
I'm struggling to see the value proposition for developers. The website is kind of ugly too... Looks low quality, so gives the impression that there's not much funding behind it, which kind of begs the question of how you plan to promote the site and the games on it?
What do developers gain?
Yea there are a lot of minor aesthetic things you could do to make the site more professional looking, but as a start it functions well enough for a free (temporarily) site.
Couple of feedbacks:
-Not everythings spelled correctly. Like PUZZELS is supposed to be PUZZLE or whatever you are going for
-The text needs a different font, and maybe an outline. Like it just looks like simple times new roman font and the outline would make it stand out more. Right now it looks like it was done quickly and the text gets lost on images. I guess it just LOOKS like it's in the beta PRE launch phase.
-Put links in the pictures on the side menus, you have to select TEXT to go to the post, but it would be easy to go to it if the pictures were directly linked too
Overall it works well, and allows me to get my game out there for free for now. But to add professional appearance and get real paying users you may need to tweak some things. Someone has already rated/reviewed 2 of my games from it so thats good and thanks!
Hello guys, thanks for the great feedback, we noticed that several developers would like to see a different look, could you give me some more details of what you would like to see?
I guess this should be DynamiteApps?
A little careful proofreading both here and on your site might help.
Our new platform will be up and running tomorrow, thanks
Any time I see "unique platform", "never before seen opportunity" and "exposure" associated with a paid cost to developers I'm very dubious.
Especially when you don't actually explain what your unique never before seen opportunity for exposure actually is. Not even on your about page.
It's clear to me that you have did not look at the Developer Membership page here . This page describes exactly what are website offers to developers. There is no other website out there with our system of marketing your games. If there is, please let me know. Thanks.
Our new platform is ready!
Looking for more developers! membership is free! let's get these awesome games some exposure together
I woke up one morning with a message in my inbox that they did a podcast on my game. I didn't pay a cent or even ask them to do anything for me, they just did it which was a good surprise. They were pretty funny, said nothing but good things, and really seems like they're coming along trying to help us out.
Just saying to help the guy out, cuz it's easy for us to sign up for free and they are trying hard to help us and I appreciate it
This is their podcast lol

@NNterprises , our team is really happy that you enjoyed the podcast! For those who are wondering why we are doing this free, it's simple, we really enjoy doing this and there is nothing better in this would than helping other people. So please join us and let's get those games seen by the world togeather!