Get your Game in the Game!
Hey guys, Khalan.
To help get your game some large scale exposure, my team and I have built a new community for indie mobile game developers and gamers to earn points and receive awards simply by looking at, sharing, reviewing, and playing your games. Sounds exciting right!? Best aspect is, it's free! We're looking for all you developers to showcase your addicting games to the world on our site. We hope you sign up and join our growing community at Get your game on at Dynamite Apps!
@Football20 You've already posted an announcement about this. Opening multiple threads on the same subject is not permitted. If you want to bump your original thread to the top, just go and add a new comment. Be careful or you might get pinged for spamming.
Are you an administrator here?
I don't think it was his intention to spam
im surprised he got flagged for this. He took the negative feedback from the earlier thread and changed/improved the platform as some members suggested.Then he opened a new thread to show his new improved website so people get to see it now(with its new and improved form). Anyway, @football20 Good luck and i like the new improvements wish you the best.
Icebox is correct, I was trying to let people know about the changes we made at our website based on user feedback. There were no intentions to spam this forum.
No, I'm not the Forum Police. Just trying to tip you off before you get in trouble.
That's not what you said when you pulled me over and took down my attributes.
It looked like you were totin' a piece.
I woke up one morning with a message in my inbox that they did a podcast on my game. I didn't pay a cent or even ask them to do anything for me, they just did it which was a good surprise. They were pretty funny, said nothing but good things, and really seems like they're coming along trying to help us out.
Just saying to help the guy out, cuz it's easy for us to sign up for free and they are trying hard to help us and I appreciate it
This is their podcast lol

@NNterprises , our team is really happy that you enjoyed the podcast! For those who are wondering why we are doing this free, it's simple, we really enjoy doing this and there is nothing better in this would than helping other people. So please join us and let's get those games seen by the world togeather!
Seems like an interesting idea but four threads does seem excessive.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline, those threads were on different topics, and we are not spamming, havn't created a new thread over a week
Not complaining, but I am a little surprised the mods haven't combined your topics.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
lol its because they see the difference
Yes, the difference between the post linking to your website, the post linking to your website, the post linking to your website, and the post linking to your website.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Lol and what is wrong with that, It's no different from people making posts linking to their game
There was a certain time gap in between his post, but due to people commenting on them at same time, the posts stacked up, its not his fault.
Guess that since I was stopped from posting new free templates in individual threads the rules have relaxed a lot. Just felt to me like all of these could have happily lived in one thread, but if four are permitted then four are permitted. As I said, not complaining, just was surprised to see the rules have relaxed so much that it's allowed now.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Maybe the rules have changed, but anyway, I'm only here to help developers who may need some help marketing their games. I,m not asking for any money or trying to sell anything, so me posting from time to time should not be a problem.