How can i save and load attributes(high score etc.) in PC Gamesalad
I have followed instructions on saving and loading attributes using youtube video but i was for MAC, I've PC and whenever i refresh the game, it doesn't save and load my attributes.. wHY? and please don't say that PC GS version games can't save or load attribute even in mobile.. or it's just i can't test it in GS creator on pc..
Thanks.. please tell me fast
Best Answer
WhitePanther Posts: 72
for example.On game level, inside any actor
-save attribute "Highscore" as "a".
On game Menu, Inside any actor
-load attrubute from "a" load "highscore"
Try it on mobile it will work.
are you sure that it will definitely work on mobile ??
my games >>
are you sure that it will definitely work on mobile ??> @WhitePanther said:
Thank you very much dude..
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Yea I use PC and I do all of my real testing by building the apk and trying it on my phone