Hi, Was just wondering if there was a way to make swiping left and right in an app more responsive, at the moment it works alright but is nowhere near as fast as most other apps.
I've followed the tutorial below to set up my swipe behaviours:

Any help would be much appreciated 
What are you looking for exactly? How do you want to swipe? Do you want to have to swipe a shorter distance to make it move?
I used a lot of swipe controls on my GS game (below) and I think it responds fine. I used the same tutorial at first too to start with
Basically in my app you swipe left and right and the player moves between set positions, but at the moment there is a slight delay between swiping and moving. Maybe swiping a shorter distance would help, do you know how I would set that up?
ah yeah, swiping a shorter distance has worked

Thanks a lot for your help
At about 6:00 in that tutorial he does a timer that says AFTER 0.3 seconds or something. Change that to like 0.0001. Also around 6:00 he makes left and right >50. Change 50 to like 25 or whatever works to make the swipe be smaller
Agreed, you can detect a swipe very accurately after a very very short distance/time.