google / amazon questions

goonergooner Lancaster, PAMember Posts: 135

i've watched a couple of the gamesalad amazon and google videos on youtube and was unsure about a few things ...

1) i've chosen android platform instead of kindle, do i actually need to do both if i want this to playable on kindle?
2) in my amazon services (android platform), i only have a box for the android key, not android and kindle as in the videos
3) do i need different chartboost campaigns for android and amazon if i only use android as the platform

thanks for any advice!


  • goonergooner Lancaster, PAMember Posts: 135
    edited August 2016

    more specifically ....

    1) in amazon services i only have one box to paste my key into (android but no kindle), is this normal since the videos i watched had both android and kindle.

    2) if using amazon leaderboards for google play, would i also use the amazon IAP or create IAP in google play

    3) Does Amazon GameCircle prompt user to login or create an account, I am not getting either at the moment when playing my game on kindle (i do have a platform login behavor which works fine for appstore version)


  • NNterprisesNNterprises Member, PRO Posts: 387
    1. Yes you only need to paste it into Android, the amazon store works for ALL andoid AND kindle, whereas if you do kindle it can only be played on kindle...
    2. No use Google Play purchases if your app is used from Google play store and amazon for amazon store
    3. Yes it does prompt it if done correctly, it may take 24 hours after setting up a security profile and MAKE SURE YOUR MP5? KEY IS CORRECT (or whatever it's called). For amazon, use the provided MP5? and upload an unsigned apk. For Goog Play, sign it and extract the Mp5? signature using the command prompt on your keystore or signed game (lot of tutorials on this). Use this to create another security profile in amazon and copy that one into GS when publishing for GPlay
  • goonergooner Lancaster, PAMember Posts: 135

    I think my only problem is with #2, I'll have to re-generate and check the google IAP box instead of Amazon IAP .... all set on the other points

    thanks alot, appreciate it

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