Device Orientation Problem
hey guys,
I'm having trouble with my device orientation.
I'm viewing my game on my device from the gamesalad viewer, and when I rotate my phone left or right, my screen messes up and you can't even see my game anymore; it's just scattered and stretched.
So I decided to lock my screen orientation so it can't be turn any other direction. It works great connected to gamesalad, but when I go to recent games in the gamesalad viewer and test it that way, it just stays in portrait view and I wanted it in landscape, but just locked in landscape.
I hope this was clear. If not, I can make it more clearer.
Any help would be great. Thanks!
Best Answers
The_Gamesalad_Guru Posts: 9,922
The viewer has orientation issues aka it doesn't lock orientation. Use the lock orientation on your ios device.
@Socks thanks for the answer
It doesn't do that with my other game that I tested... Could there be something wrong with my code?
No, your code is perfect / Yes, there could be something wrong with your code.
@Socks, what could cause that?
It's most likely the documented bug with viewer orientation in the current build/viewer, but - although less likely - it could also be an issue with your code / project set up.
Did you try adhoc too or just gs viewer?
@NNterprises , just the GS viewer
Then do the adhoc too, GS viewer isnt the best...
@NNterprises , thank you I'll try that
@The_Gamesalad_Guru , thank you