Create a game boolean , call it unlockactor for example
put a rule in your actor that you want unlocked that says
if game.unlockactor is true and touch is pressed choose this actor otherwise nothing
put the condition you want the game.unlockactor to trigger , maybe you want it to unlock when the score is greater than 100 for example
for example if game.score is > 100
change attribute game.unlockactor to true
then how can i set camera to only left side for my actor movemnent....
Create a real game attribute call it ActorX
in your actor
constrain attribute game.ActorX to self.positionx
create a camera actor then put this behavior
constrain attribute self.positionx to game.ActorX - 50 ( or whatever value) so it will always be on the left side of your main actor
Create a game boolean , call it unlockactor for example
put a rule in your actor that you want unlocked that says
if game.unlockactor is true and touch is pressed choose this actor otherwise nothing
put the condition you want the game.unlockactor to trigger , maybe you want it to unlock when the score is greater than 100 for example
for example if game.score is > 100
change attribute game.unlockactor to true
Create a real game attribute call it ActorX
in your actor
constrain attribute game.ActorX to self.positionx
create a camera actor then put this behavior
constrain attribute self.positionx to game.ActorX - 50 ( or whatever value) so it will always be on the left side of your main actor
give it a control camera behavior.
hope this made sense.
how to make a 'camera actor'?
my games >>
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