Making an animation play after another animation ceases
Hi I've got a player on an endless runner game. He runs over an object, (Please see the attached video.), stops where he is and disappears whilst the animation of the object plays. My question is is there a way to make a game player animation resume after another animation finishes .
I've got it working but not happy with the way I've done it ie using the timer after 4 seconds etc, and making the player resume its motion and alpha. Any ideas or suggestions much appreciated. Thanks in advance Recording"")
Not clear to me what you are looking for???
Have to tell me exactly what's going on.
It seems odd to me the bear completely disappears?
To me. What I see. A bear running. He runs past a cage. Bear disappears. Magic Smoke commotion happens. The cage disappears. Bear reappears and moves on............
I'm guessing that's not what you want.
Love doing these effects......
Just check that the animation has reached the last frame.
When self.image = [name of last frame of the first animation sequence].
--Timer: after 1/frame rate
----play the second animation sequence.