PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
edited September 2016
@iheanyinwankwo30 said:
Please am new to this forum so if you can help me that would be great
Welcome. A good place to begin is with the video tutorials, the Cookbook and the GS Manual before you start asking questions. Then you will know better what to ask and have a grasp of the terminology and different GS concepts.
And you can check out our free templates at gsinvention which might also be helpful to get you started. And there are many more sites or threads with free templates.
Welcome. Post specific problems if you have any.
Welcome. A good place to begin is with the video tutorials, the Cookbook and the GS Manual before you start asking questions. Then you will know better what to ask and have a grasp of the terminology and different GS concepts.
And you can check out our free templates at gsinvention which might also be helpful to get you started. And there are many more sites or threads with free templates.
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