Idea on how to check for reward ad...

This is just an idea, but since reward ads are not yet useable, I came up with an idea on how they could be.
Before the button pops up to receive a reward, you could run a check to your server. If it can't receive the data, that means there isn't connection, and so the button won't pop up. That was the confusing part and I probably didn't explain it right.
So then if you do have the connection for the button, you can set up another check of 20 videos in 24 hours. If there are <21 videos watched, then have the button show up.

I'm not are if this would work, it was just a thought I had for an upcoming game I was wanting to start, and I'm going to have reward ads.


  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782


    this is a good solution for checking if the user is online.

    Those who do not roll their own server, can use APPFormative to do the checking.

    However, this is only a tiny part of the problem, e.g.

    only the prime advertising markets like US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, etc. have a high fill rate and are "likely" to be served 20 Ads a day. Users in Secondary Markets and lower, are very likely to not be served an ad for every request.

  • YeezyHypeBeastYeezyHypeBeast Member Posts: 60

    @Hopscotch So you think this will actually work? And yeah, I know people won't watch the videos that many times, but I think that is the maximum number. So just in case someone does watch that many, the button will go away.

  • BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239

    he says that you can not know if there is even a video available or not.
    And there is no check if there is a video upfront.

    I never tested it so how would it behave if the player decides to watch a video but there is no video? Is there proper feedback like there is no video right now and also don't give out rewards? Or does it behave messy?

  • MentalDonkeyGamesMentalDonkeyGames Member Posts: 1,276
    edited September 2016

    You can (kind of) use the Ad Reward value attribute to inform the player that there´s no ad available. If the video is completed, the attribute will be changed to a value you decide in Chartboost settings.

    If there´s no video to watch, the attribute will remain at 0.

    If reward value = 0
    -timer after 0.5 seconds
    -Display: "No video available"

    if reward value is 1 (or the value you specified in chartboost)
    -Give reward
    -Change reward value to 0

    Mental Donkey Games
    Website - Facebook - Twitter

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782
    edited September 2016

    this is precisely the gripe I have with the Rewarded implementation in GS.

    The strength of Rewarded Video is the opt-in nature of it. The player chooses to watch a video because he expects a reward. Send him to a blank screen a few times, and he will give up on it totally. Both on trying to watch ads (you loss) and on your game (also your loss) because he continuously got disappointed.

    @BigDave, no, there is no feedback as to video skipped or no video at all. Especially not up front, where it is most needed in my opinion.

    The right way is to sent a request for an ad to the ad company. They then tell you if an ad is available. You then ideally cache that ad in the background for performance, and only then give the user the option of watching the ad. This is how it is intended.

    @YeezyHypeBeast, you see, your way of checking if a user is online will help, but will still lead to a very unprofessional user experience.

  • birdboybirdboy Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2016

    I've pointed out the wonky (and from my point of view unusable) state of rewarded ads in another thread but @Armelline disagreed - maybe he has some insight or advice on this topic.

    @YeezyHypeBeast Your method is a small help but it's a drop in the bucket. In my opinion rewarded ads are unusable in a professional environment without the possibility to cache ads. Like @Hopscotch already pointed out, fill rates vary severely and putting a button in your game that sometimes works and sometimes does nothing is an usability nightmare (showing an error leads to the same result as nothing happening - the player has no idea what will happen when he presses the button and will stop using it). There are even more things to consider here, e.g. download times for an ad because you can't cache it (there are lots of regions with terrible bandwidth).

  • BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
    edited September 2016

    thanks thats something.

    We can design around the lack of a current video.
    Sometimes a video sometimes an extra mini game to master or similar it doesn't have to be a negative event

    Sounds like roulette option for players ;)

  • BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
    edited December 2016

    This could be a positive experience for the user.

    First condition your time pacing for its appearance. (every xx minutes)
    Second condition if the player is online. (via app formative)

    Than show the video for reward option.

    On player decision it gets triggered.

    Use the logic of @MentalDonkeyGames with a different outcome for 0

    You can (kind of) use the Ad Reward value attribute to inform the player that there´s no ad available. If the video is completed, the attribute will be changed to a value you decide in Chartboost settings.

    If there´s no video to watch, the attribute will remain at 0.

    If reward value = 0
    -timer after 0.5 seconds
    -Play your local self made ad scene to cross promote one of your other apps.
    And reward the player. The possibility to trigger it gets closed.

    if reward value is 1 (or the value you specified in chartboost)
    -Give reward
    -Change reward value to 0

    So it can not be exploited by the player as you check for offline / online.
    And the player gets only positive outcomes.

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