How do I get my Android game to run fullscreen (hide onscreen Home and Back buttons)?
How do I get my Android game to run fullscreen (hide the onscreen Home and Back buttons)?
On my HTC One M8, the onscreen system Home and Back buttons are ALWAYS onscreen when my game runs.
In other games and apps, this seems to be something that the developers can have hidden unless you swipe them onto the screen, for example.
How can I make them hidden in my game, so it runs fullscreen properly?
As you can see in this screenshot, the on-screen system buttons are onscreen all the time, shifting the game to the left a bit, and generally "getting in the way" of the game experience.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Geez, these forums are a bit dead.
I don´t think you can do that in Gamesalad. It´s been asked a few times before already, and i think there´s a feature request for it on the bug database.
There´s actually 2 bug reports about this.
Mental Donkey Games
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Thanks. Shame.
Seems weird to not have an option to go proper fullscreen.
Yes i want this to @ForumNinja
Yeah, like @MentalDonkeyGames says, I don't think you can remove them at the moment. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Does that disturb anyone else?
Isn't that a bit "lame"?
Wouldn't that be one of the first things you'd support for Android output?
It's incredibly lame and it's one of the things you'd usually expect from an engine which is honestly only capable of putting out mobile games. But there's so much stuff that is lame and problems are piling up lately - better don't expect anything...
I'm actually finding Game Salad OK for outputting Mac games, which is nice, because I feel I can distribute them freely, which opens up a lot more options for someone who's top priority is to share their games with a variety of people.
But yes, it's a shame that many core platforms seem to be not fully featured, like HTML5, Windows, and even Android.
Does anyone know how to use "Open URL" command followed by the url of a video such a Youtube video to run the video in the full screen?
@helpingtogrow Can't show video in GS apart from ads