Help! I assign an image for an actor, but in game it shows only as color!
Help me, please! I only started working in GS, but already stuck. ! Below i show the editor settings. I impored an image and assigned it to the prototype. Set the color to white.
And that`s how it works in the game.
PS: Windows 32x.
I wonder if the source image file is corrupt or something because there shouldn't be a problem just showing the image on an actor. Maybe open the source image file and re-save it, making sure it's RGB and a PNG file. They re-try. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
If you set colour to white isn't that what will happen? It will be white?
If you want image don't turn to white.
@Toque No, white is equivalent to no color modifications of the image. If you select another color, it then tints the image with that color.
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