BUG: Music stops playing after Opening URL
music in my game stopped in game after the player was guided out of the app via open url
wrote a bug here:
can you confirm this?
music in my game stopped in game after the player was guided out of the app via open url
wrote a bug here:
can you confirm this?
+same issue when you leave the app through an interstitial pop up
My Apps
i've experienced trouble with the music behavior too. So i dont use it. i create an off screen hidden actor for the scene. i use the play sound behavior and combine it with timers or attribute association or rule specifics and it seems to work. i dont experience any problems with the play sound behavior when implemented correctly. Maybe that could help work out your issue.
the music has to handled as such in my case as I switch volume seperate from sound based on ingame situations pretty often. Sounds like a neat work around you have there but I rather prefer they fix the music behavior.
Addditonal issue information:
Music is still codewise active when you come back but just not playing.
Hitting the music Off /on button will codwise turn it off and remain silent.
HItting it one more time will turn it back on this time codewise and hearable.
My Apps