Character all of a sudden won't move?? Very confused.
Hi! So a short while ago, my character was set up perfectly to move, and there was no problem with it at all. I was adding coins to my level, which is unrelated to my characters attributes and such. When I went to test it to see how the coins react when I collide, my character wouldn't move from the default position and his jump was severely limited. I don't believe I did anything on the character actor to limit his movements. I'm just slightly confused as to what I am missing in this situation because I didn't alter anything so I don't know if it could be some sort of glitch or something along those lines.
If you remove the coin actors, does the character move again?
A screenshot of the movement rules would be helpful.
Mental Donkey Games
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I see you are new here (welcome !!
). . . so I think it's worth pointing out that all you will likely get from a question like this is a slow progression of guesses, perhaps someone might get lucky after a while and guess the rules and behaviours you might be using and might even be able to sort of reverse engineer a rough version of your code in their head based on experience and lucky guesses, maybe even spot a possible error and maybe even suggest a possible solution, but that's very unlikely.
Which is all a little bizarre given you know what all the rules are, what behaviours you are using, what makes the actor move, what makes it move back downwards after a jump (and so on) . . . having people guess this information is a slow way to fight your way to a solution.
I'll give you the answer to your question if you answer mine:
"I have a calculation, it was working just fine, I didn't change anything, now it doesn't give the right result, what do you think is wrong with it ?"
. . . or as @MentalDonkeyGames says . . .
"A screenshot of the movement rules would be helpful."
Here's what I have for my character movements and the coin animation at the moment. Also, I have removed the coin actor and my hero is still constricted.
The rules seem to be ok, but there's lots of reasons they might be broken.
What triggers the game.move left, game.move right and game.jump attributes? And are the attributes actually changin to true?
Mental Donkey Games
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Like @MentalDonkeyGames say, these rules look fine, but are there are other actors and other rules and attributes involved in the movement of the actor that you are not showing us ? For example perhaps there are buttons that change the attributes game.Move.Left and game.Move Right to true or false ? Or maybe they are triggered by a controller actor that checks for the direction of a swipe or which side of the screen is tapped / pressed . . . etc etc . . .?
You could place a Display Text behavior onto your character, set it to display game.Move.Left, then tell us what happens when you control the character, does game.Move.Left change from true to false, does it get stuck on true (or false) . . . etc ?
Okay so I was searching through all of my rules and realized my MOVE behavior was under ELSE for some reason! So every time I tried to move, I had a force stopping my character 24/7. I must have moved it by accident. Honest mistake haha. Thanks for you help though guys, I really appreciate the time.