replicate depending on time
so i have a game attribute called special charge and the longer you hold it the more it will go up, its an index attribute... i want another actor that will replicate for every second it goes up... now... the problem is that every time it goes up by i want it to replicate a "pow" type bar by .2 seconds... for instance if the charge attribute is at 1 i would like 5 bars replicated at that point... so per .2 second seconds i want it to keep going up
damn I'm explaining this horribly..
.2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 <CHARGE ATTRIBUTE (index)
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] <REPLICATE BAR
okay lets say that how i want the attributes to look
so every .2 seconds from the charge attribute (index) i want one replication bar
i think its gotta be a division rule and i haven't made the replicate attribute quite yet but i can't think of it for some reason... any help anyone?
now that its actually posted it looks so horrible (my example lol)
"every time it goes up by i want it to replicate a "pow" type bar by .2 seconds"
What does this even mean !
Hahahaha so basically every .2 seconds I want it to replicate pertaining to the charge though... I feel like if the charge attribute were a real attribute this would be easy... It would be as follows...
If b button is true
Every .2 seconds replicate the "pow" bar to " pow" bar plus one otherwise pow bar would be set to 0
i think i might have answered my own question @Socks lol