creating a maximum number...
Member, BASIC Posts: 639
okay... this may be a very simple question but i cannot seem to figure it out!
i have a button where the rules are as such: if b button is true every "such" seconds change attribute replicate to replicate+1
but check this out i want there to be a maximum number
so lets say i just want the replicate number to go no further than 7... how do i get it to stop because if i have the button down the number keeps on going...
so basically i need my actor to stop replicating after a certain number!
my explanations are horrible... and yes i am american lol.
If replicate is < 7
--if b button is true
----every "such" seconds
------change attribute replicate to replicate+1
You could also do change attribute replicate to min(replicate+1,7)