Can you make any kind of consistent income releasing 1 GS game a month
Is there any kind of consistent income to be made if I release 1 game a month on iOS, Android, & Underground? I figure each game may not make much individually but if you get a backlog of them they may come together to make consistent income. Don't want to sound like I'm just worried about money, being a game developer has been my goal since I was 14 (18 now), but obviously money still has to be made. My hopes were to work on GS consistently while also learning as much as I can about game development through classes and then my big goal is to get a title on steam one day (I know its a long shot).
Quality over quantity there lad. You don't get rich but you can make money..
It's a lot of work and effort to make a great game. Just try and make one. Worse case you have a lot of fun.
Best of luck and have fun.
If it's a real passion go to school.
Well, both of my games released so far (Catflap, and Retro Snippets Challenge) have been really well received by people who tried them, BUT, I've had barely any downloads (and both have a FREE none-ads version!), and I spent literally MONTHS on them - Personally, I probably would have been better off knocking out quick ideas (but obviously GOOD) games anyway... :frowning:
Now I'm plodding along just releasing new games whenever I can, and hoping the same thing happens, albeit over a MUCH longer period of time, given each game's gestation period...
At the end of the day, the market is absolutely saturated with (let's be fair) LOTS of dross, poor quality, useless/pointless, or downright unplayable, dodgy, shoddy, broken or permissions-abusing, unethical, spamming apps. I can only assume that most users have become jaded by downloading lots of rubbish, etc, wasting their time, effort, phone space and data allowances, and have become MUCH more selective....
So as others have said - Just enjoy yourself, learn some great game design, art and development skills as you go along and get better at it, and take enough time to make QUALITY games, even if it means spending much more time on them... or you're only shooting yourself in the foot...
Basically, you MIGHT get installs by latching onto an 'in' thing or a cool icon, or if you're just plain jammy/lucky, but you will NOT get that important user RETENTION (and therefore the possibility of them playing it time and time again, earning money for you through ads or an IAP purchase/upgrade) if your game isn't addictive and/or high enough quality...
Oh, and one last thing - I wouldn't do what I did, which is create a game that's a character name, if it ISN'T a popular search - "Catflap" was NEVER searched for by people who didn't know about it, whereas "Cat Flap", etc, etc, WILL be searched for - That was a MASSIVE mistake for me, and one I intend to remedy asap, with a differently-named update....
Anyway - hope that helped, and whichever method of development you feel best, Good Luck!
Den / Japster
Epic info splurge @Japster
@smurfted ....Hey, I was having one of those evenings... Why post one paragraph when 10 will do?...
Keep up the good work..