Copy/Paste tricks I don't know about?
Ok is there a trick to copying 5 actors in each level in the scene, each of which have a different interger value in its attribute and pasting them into the next level's scene? I have 20+ levels and I'm bummed that I have to drag, position, open each actor change its value 5 times per level. GS is getting pretty slow at this stage in the 'game' heh.
Minor Victory
(If you try this, please please please remember to back up your file!)
1) Textwrangler (freeware) - I use this because it allows the user to create scripts.
2) Smultron or Fraise (freeware)
3) Espresso ($85.55 CAD) - A beautiful program that has a nice Navigator which shows the hierarchical structure of the document. It's expensive now but I got it as part of the MacHeist 3 bundle in 2009.
I haven't used these to open very large XML files yet, though.
Smultron takes forever to open a file, and once it does, it's completely unusable (can't scroll or search).
Fraise is based on Smultron so same problems.
I have v1 of Espresso, and it will open a GS XML file (nice) but it doesn't seem capable of displaying the XML in human readable form. That said, it is possible to run find and replace which is obviously the key feature needed for editing.
To be of real use, a tool needs to be able to display the XML in readable form (formatted with returns). Otherwise it's difficult (but not impossible) to find what you want. This is why most text editors won't cut it. But Espresso seems somewhat workable.
Weird, I have a GS scene file on my desktop that opens up under DashCode in two (long) lines, but when trying several other XML files from a current gameproj file, they open up wrapped to the editor window (which is better)...
So DashCode seems to be another viable editing option.