Music wont play
Hello! I have a problem with my background music in my game. I am using wav file (size 13,8mt) but for some reason i can't play the music in gamesalad editor (works fine everywhere else) also all other sound files which are wav files in my game work just fine except this one.
Thanks in advance!
when you added other sound files, did you import them as "sounds" or "music"?
You can only play one music file at a time, so maybe that's the issue. I would see what options are listed when you look at your "Play Music" behavior drop down and make sure nothing that should actually be a sound is in there
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@supafly129 When i added play music behavior only option i have is "resume current music" and i checked that all other sounds in the scene are sounds not music.
@supafly129 It seems that i have added my music as sound but still i cannot play it in any way within the editor. For example when i click to play the sound it shows that it is playing it but i cannot hear anything
but when i do this with other sounds those work just fine
hmm maybe the file itself has an issue? when you play the file outside of GS on your computer does it make noise? generally speaking .wav files are not recommended because they take up a lot of space and the difference is so subtle compared to .mp3 which is a significantly smaller format as far as size goes
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@supafly129 When i play it outside of GS everything works fine.
But the size difference has no bearing on GameSalad as both are converted to MP4, so a 3 minute WAV and the same 3 minute track as an MP3 will both be identical in size when imported to GameSalad.
The only difference would be a small quality loss with the MP3, but like you say the difference can be subtle (depending on the track), but there's no reason to not use a WAV, imagine you are in GarageBand, you export to WAV, import it to GS, it's converted to MP4, you then throw the WAV into the trash as you don't need it any more, you've gained a little extra quality (compared to MP3) and used up no additional memory.
I am still having this problem and googling has not helped either. At the moment i am waiting for response from gamesalad's customer service.
Upload the sound here and I will sort it out for you.
@Socks i can only attach image files
You can upload any compressed file.
@Socks Here! Thanks in advance :-)
When you imported the sound to GS, did you import it as "sound" or "music" ?
Could you also upload a screenshot of the rule that plays this piece of music.
@Socks I did not get to choose all sounds that i add go to same place with images and stuff. Also i have tried all sorts of rules none of em works like if actor is pressed play sound.. nothing. also when i try to play the sound in the media folder in GS it plays it but i cant hear anything.
Not sure what that means, but if you look in your 'Sounds' panel can you tell me what this file has been imported as, music or sound ?
Sound . . .
Music . . .
Ah i see, thanks! Never realized that.
@fatetaleteller can you post a screenshot of the "Play Music" behavior for your Forest song? If you imported that song as "music", it should appear in your "Play Music" dropdown.
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@Socks Neither it looks like this.
WAV file is fine, no issues, no corruption . . . although the dynamic range is quite high, the overall level is very low and the loop is not perfect (800+ samples of silence at the start).
@Socks Any idea what it is about then? It can't be the rule/behavior that i am using because when i press play in editor i can't hear anything which does not happen with other sounds.
Could you upload a screenshot of the rule that plays this piece of music.
@Socks Here.
This has been imported as 'sound', I've attached a new WAV (attached below), import that and when asked whether you want sound or 'music', choose 'music'.
@Socks There is no wav file. Just VLC media file (aif.)
What happened when you tried to import it into GameSalad ?
WAV attached:
Whoops, when I said MP4, I meant to say M4A, both MP3 and WAV (and any other incoming format destined to be a 'music' file in GS) will be converted to M4A (AAC).
So for example a 192kHz, 32bit uncompressed AIFF that is 140MB will end up as a 5MB M4A . . . . and also a crappy 32kHz, 8bit MP3 of the same track that is 1MB will also end up as a 5MB M4A.
@Socks Now it works! What did you do to make it work?
I negotiated with it.