What to build next??

BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
edited October 2016 in Working with GS (Mac)

I want to start a new project.
But I am unsure where to start.
Here some rough ideas in scope.

The Big Horse

Design Goals:
+Lasting Game ( Can be player 30 minutes straight, but then forces you to go out and come back)
+Engaging Game ( Its not about waiting and managing only, there has to be levels of action, player skill)
+Sell In-apps ( There has to be at-least 2 or 3 types of reasonable sources, one feeling almost mandatory)
+Outstanding ( something funny,scary or odd that makes you wanna tell your friends about it)
+Scalable (A solid base I can build in 1-2 months but is ready to be expanded)
+Targeted ( There has to be a clear picture of who I want to play this)

Personal Goals:
+Keep the bigger Picture (Don't get lost in Details)
+Something I truly believe in ( Take 500 to 1000 Euro on launch and invest it in Marketing without regrets)

Technical Goals:
I thought about using Appformative's service for cloud based variable saving so you have your save data between all platforms.
As well as cross-platform leaderboards.

ARPU (average revenue per user) Goal:

  • $1.00

The round experience

Design Goals:
+A fix amount of level small in scope ( visible to the player so it sparks completionist behaviour)
+A simple core mechanic with enough depth (getting better)
+A theme that is neutral so it can be played by any player without beeng embarrassed for playing it
+Sell In-apps ( That enable to play the same game in a totally different context and challenge)

Personal Goals:
+Investable ( Take 100 to 300 Euro on launch and invest it in Marketing without regrets)

ARPU (average revenue per user) Goal:

  • $0.10



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