CSV File Size- Reducing it.
Hi Folks,
I have a CSV file clocking at 21mb. It was initially 43mb. At 21 its like a gajillion times bigger than anything I have ever used or should be using. I don't understand why its so big. Any suggestions on how to make it smaller?
CSV files are just text. I'm assuming you've got hundreds of thousands of lines in it. So realistically, no, there's going to be very little you can do to reduce the size, other than removing unnecessary information from it.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Perhaps but I have another file of similar size but only clocking in at just over 4mb! So the difference in sizes is startling.
By similar size, you mean number of rows? Does each row contain the same amount of data?
Perhaps post them here or PM me links and I can take a proper look?
CSV files really are just text, if one is 5x the size it must contain 5x the information (which could be a bunch of empty columns - they'd still include commas to separate each empty column).
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Armelline I've done a port to Word and did a word count. So whilst I had similar number of rows and columns there word count was massively more. So that explains that I suppose. Thanks! Will have to cut down my content because that is too big.
Have you found the missing Clinton emails ?
I did! Turns out there wasn't much in them worth speaking about. Except the rigging of the election and Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. Small stuff really.
I knew it !