Downloading your game & Gamesalad Preview

robex50robex50 Member Posts: 7

''Gamesalad Preview'' So i have tried to make this gamesalad preview thing to work but i cant get the apple or android logo to the top bar i have done everything that the guides said to do to make it work. Im not paid user yet so if that is a paid user option please make sure to tell me. ''Downloading your game'' So i don't want to pay the 99$ to apple to put my few basic apps to appstore. So is there a way to download your games to only to your phone if there is i would like to hear it. Thank for reading !


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,195

    For development, you should be able to develop on your own devices for free with an Apple developer account. It's only when you want to get the app to the store do you pay $99.

    As for the viewer app, you will need to be sure you're on the same WiFi network as your laptop. We use Apple's Bonjour protocol to enable the app and the creator to see each other, so you will have to make sure your router isn't blocking multi-cast traffic.

  • robex50robex50 Member Posts: 7

    @adent42 Can i check for this multi-cast traffic option in my router settings ?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,195

    Most routers should have it on, but yes, check your router settings.

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