How to unlock items within app
Member, PRO Posts: 682
I want to increase retention in one of my apps.
I'm toying with the idea of items becoming unlocked the more you use the app (using writing to a table)
My question is; I presume the user will lose these unlocked items if they update to a newer version of the app later on?
If there a way to avoid this?
As long as you don't change the table it will not be overwritten.
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@The_Gamesalad_Guru Will a table be overwritten if I ad more rows and/or columns in an update?
Really, I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know.
I shouldn't have any problems then.
yes. Never change formating of a table which you "saved"
Else it will break it.
Thats why you should make enough cells ready for future items remaining empty until you use them. Already have selected the right variable type.
For Orcs I had to make multiple tables since I did not know this.
So I have to save 3 tables every time I wanna save the game.
My Apps
@BigDave That's good to know, I was about to make that mistake in the current game I'm working on. Thanks
@BigDave Thanks for sharing that info