Free contact List to Gaming Youtubers
Its a spreadsheet full with the biggest youtube gaming personalities, showing of amount subscribers and their contact infos.
Hoping it helps some of you, Good luck!
Good stuff Dave !!
Bless your soul.
Thank you, this is great. Now I have to make something good enough to impress a couple of them otherwise I'll end up creating the opposite of the desired affect and get ridiculed publicly!
even getting ridiculed in public is better than getting no attention. At-least money wise.
My Apps
Not if my apps are free, for toddlers (no repeat business), with no iAPs and no ads.
You just made it clear what I am doing wrong.
Guys does anyone have a copy of this list? I forgot to make a copy and its now since been deleted. Anyone? @BigDave ?
Yup, had it bookmarked, but the list is now gone! Did anyone make a backup copy?
I made a copy
I thought his generosity someday gonna end.
here you go
My Apps
Phew!!! That's a relief! Thanks! Also Dow loading a copy for my files.
BigThanks, @BigDave!