Forbidden Forest alike movement
I’ve been asked to do a job for my University, about recreating an old video game developed for Commodore 64 by using Gamesalad. The game’s name is Forbidden Forest.
I’m having troubles understanding how to make the character move just like in the game. I’ll leave a link to the video for better clarification.
Basically, whenever we press the right direction, the character will first rotate their bow towards the right, performing a 150° movement; after that, they will start walking towards the right. The same concept applies when moving to the left.
This means that the character moves towards a direction only after turning around.
Is there a way to make this possible through Gamesalad?
Thank you!
PS (i'm on Mac)
Here is a demo but the target is controlled by mouse , I think you can play with it to get the effect you want , hope it helps
Thank you so much!
I'll try to work on it. But still there's no way to link up aim to the character's movement without mouse control, am I wrong? How can I fix this?
You welcome , I don't understand how you want the aim control , even if it moves with the player how will you shoot the enemy as it moves
Maybe I wasn't clear enough , you can see the gameplay I want to make right here.
If the character is facing left side and he wants to face the right one (for running away from enemies or something else), he must move his arms and weapon all over his head (just like an arc) before he can walk again.
Thank you for the support and excuse me for my bad english.
@Icebox 's demo is still perfect for this - just needs a little work on your behalf, as would have to be done anyway, to modify it... You'd either have animation frames, or angles for arms and weapon/crossbow/bow, etc, and you can simply point them based on the angle to the crosshair etc - using the RotateTo X,Y behaviour...
There's a suitable example in this old thread:-
Basically, you can if need be, also restrict the range of movement by using Min, Max, and/or Mag functions... (i.e. use Max(CrosshairY,100) as part of the RotateTo behaviour expression, to stop him aiming below a certain height, or alternatively, just limit your on-screen cross-hair movement range...
PS - Absolutely classic C64 game, impressive parallax graphics, and genuinely scary for it's time!
Hey @edoardogalati , im sorry it took a while i was a bit busy, i played the game i think i understood so you want it like this.. He only moves right when he is fully turned to the right and he only moves left when hes fully turned to the left . Hope this is it , demo attached
Oh my gosh! thank you! you're my savior!
@edoardogalati You welcome !
I never herd of C64 before I guess it was famous back then .. I searched on youtube and found this game which is quiet impressive for its time
remaking this with gs would be great
Ha ha! - @Icebox - it's my favourite machine of all time! - there were a huge amount of amazing games created for it, and the music - when done right? - unbelievable for a machine of the time, and still a highly active scene now...
That nebulus, by Hewson, is a really technically impressive game, by a true coding legend - I also know that @socks could knock up the tower and platform effect in no time at all, and actually, given his planet and satellites example, has pretty much already done it, I'd say, bar a tweak...
@Icebox sorry for wasting your time today, but you really helped me!
I've converted the controls "->", "<-", and "Spacebar" to "Right Touch", "Left Touch" and Right Touch + "Left Touch" (to simulate spacebar).
What I need to do is making the character freeze when I press both Right Touch AND Left Touch at the same time, so he can shoot towards the direction he's pointing the weapon at.
Any way we can achieve this?
Thank you so much!
you mean if left touch is true and right touch is true , change motion linear velocity x to 0 thats it i think ..
OK, Junior, just leave it right there.
I myself learned to program on a Tandy Coco (
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I first learned BASIC programming on my C64, I still have it even! ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I used to visit some friends and play Impossible Mission, Summer Games and Racing Destruction Set! Coco was great for learning, not so for third-party games.
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@mhedges The oldest console i played with snes and sega genesis , didnt know c64 exists, thats too old
@jamie_c and @mhedges You guys are giving away your seniority right now. I might as well join the club. I was almost going to buy a C64 but in 1984 the 128k Mac debuted, so I chose it because you could draw and paint on it.
To be really honest, I've only ever played two games that interested or amused me... aside of what you guys in this forum have released that I check out and marvel at. One was F16 Falcon, a flight simulator, that I bailed out of because I kept crashing.
Who's memory is sharp enough to answer this? There was a screen-saver for the Mac IIs called After Dark. In it there was a really neat little space shoot 'em up where all kinds of alien contraptions would come after your craft. The objective was to shoot as many as possible and survive as long as you could. Simple and addictive, with really nice miniature graphics. What was it called?
I did too but more on time on the apple IIe. Then got into C with the Amiga.
Wish I had those machines still.
My wife gets nervous when I browse on eBay.
I used to argue with the other kid in the class why my Vic 20 was better that his crap TRS 80
Good times.
Affectionally referred to as the "Trash-80".
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Snap @Toque! The good old Vic 20.
Sounds like this forum is filled with geriatrics.
Yeah the crappy trs-80 only had 4kb my Vic 20 had 5!
Actually I just harassed him because I wanted to see it. He never let me come to his house to see it.
Well, that explains why so many old timers have dropped out lately. It's tough paying for your GS subscriptions from your social security/ pension money.
Thank you guys for your help! I've been able to work more on this project and managed to get most of the things to work like I wanted.
However, a few things still remain unsolved and I would need your help again.
Might as well asking @Icebox for some help if possible.
Please feel free to download the project LINK
and try the game yourself:
Whenever I play a level by clicking on Story, the background should give the feeling of being infinite when the character is walking. I activated the Wrap function but this causes the enemies to appear from the other side of the screen too, and this is no good.
Technically, the character doesn't really move; it's just composed by a walking animation, but the background is the only thing which is actually moving. Since the character is stuck on one place, he can't escape from those enemies spawning and coming towards my direction.
You can see this yourself by playing the level and see how those enemies mess with the gameplay system (please ignore all of the other in game options, like Customization and Store menus).
Unfortunately this project has to be delivered within 2 days so I'm hoping we can all find a solution as soon as possible! Thank you!
@edoardogalati I'm too confused I don't understand quite well .. I don't even understand the project , many scenes , so it will be hard for me sorry hope someone helps you out though ! good luck
I had a look at it. I would say a bridge too far for the time frame. Im impressed you did as much with it as you did in such a sort time!!!!! But like Icebox said its too big and would take me hours to figure out whats going on and figure out what you want and debug and test it.......just too much. Sorry
kids and their 4k tv's these days, I remember when games were less than 4k !!
Ha ha! - LOVE that handle... My absolute favourite mag from back in the day...