Free Mac Software

I use freeware a lot. I couldn't afford Photoshop so for a long time I was content with GIMP until I saved up enough to buy Pixelmator. (I still use GIMP, depending on the project.)
I found that there were all sorts of freeware alternatives out there. AppStorm just published a list today outlining some places where you can find freeware:
5 Fantastic Places to Find Free Mac Software
A lot of these sites have helpful categories. Graphics, text editors, and audio and music would be some relevant categories for game developers.
I found that there were all sorts of freeware alternatives out there. AppStorm just published a list today outlining some places where you can find freeware:
5 Fantastic Places to Find Free Mac Software
A lot of these sites have helpful categories. Graphics, text editors, and audio and music would be some relevant categories for game developers.
AppStorm is part of the Envato network, which has awesome Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash tutorials. Plus there are graphic, animation, audio, flash marketplaces as well. Envato has some of my favorite websites.
Click the blue "Mac Apps" link next to the AppStorm logo to open the other Envato sites. The Photoshop tutorial one, is fantastic.
Also, if money is an issue, there are also a lot of great free web alternatives to Photoshop, like Sumo Paint:
Plus, since it is on the web, you can save all of your images to a free online Sumo account and work on your images anywhere.
There is also an online gallery where you can showcase your work, get feedback, and vote for favorites.
You can also save all your images to your computer, and it saves PNGs as well.
I'm sure there are more programs like Sumo Paint, but that is one of the more popular ones.
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