Can Pro users modify games for Express users?
Has Gendai Games stated an official policy on this?
If I buy a "Pro" license, what services could I offer?
-- Could I make games for clients?
-- Could I add iAds, links and custom loading screens for Express users?
I think of the ethical debate. If I buy a copy of Adobe Flash, I can make Flash files for clients, so shouldn't I be able to do the same with the "Pro" version of GameSalad? Yet, Gendai Games is trying to run a business too. So, that's why I post this thread. What's their official stance?
One could argue that it's unethical. Yet, maybe it's not. If people set up businesses, offering professional services, it creates a new market... which makes GameSalad more important. Also, is it ethical to place such a restriction on "Pro" users? Why shouldn't they be able to offer services with software that they paid for.
So... it comes down to this... respect. If Gendai Games says they don't want users to do that, OK, I can respect it. Yet, shouldn't the same respect be shown to the community? This is an unanswered question?
If I buy a "Pro" license, what services could I offer?
-- Could I make games for clients?
-- Could I add iAds, links and custom loading screens for Express users?
I think of the ethical debate. If I buy a copy of Adobe Flash, I can make Flash files for clients, so shouldn't I be able to do the same with the "Pro" version of GameSalad? Yet, Gendai Games is trying to run a business too. So, that's why I post this thread. What's their official stance?
One could argue that it's unethical. Yet, maybe it's not. If people set up businesses, offering professional services, it creates a new market... which makes GameSalad more important. Also, is it ethical to place such a restriction on "Pro" users? Why shouldn't they be able to offer services with software that they paid for.
So... it comes down to this... respect. If Gendai Games says they don't want users to do that, OK, I can respect it. Yet, shouldn't the same respect be shown to the community? This is an unanswered question?
But yeh it's unethical.. Support Gendai and in the end it will bring us all a better tool.
// Red Dot Inc
#1 By your estimation the entire freelance industry is unethical. By definition, a "Pro" tool should be able to be used for doing work for your "company" as well as your "clients"...
#2 Have you personally tested this? Otherwise, how can you definitively say that this "wouldn't work"? Back to my first point, if a freelance dev works on apps that are released by others, there has to be a way for that dev to sign the apps. Seems like the "Express" user would just need to provide the "Pro" with his/her own provisioning profile(s).
A technical issue... app signing would be a problem. People would have to share sensitive information.
As for the ethical issue, I'm not sure I agree. If I make an app for a client, I can create custom loading screens for them, add iAds and stuff like that. How's that really different? Although, it's not even clear to me that you can use GameSalad for creating client apps.
Have you noticed how quiet it has been since Gendai Games got the million? They're working on something... I'm not sure why they're so cryptic. Why aren't they more upfront? Why don't they simply say what they're working on? Also, they probably know that "Pro" is too expensive. It's like a cancer on this community. The general consensus appear to be that $1999 is too expensive, but $250-$500 for one version of GameSalad seems acceptable. Yet, they're stuck. How do you keep all those customers that paid $1999 for "Pro" happy?
I'm seriously considering upgrading to Pro. Yet, I worry about a return on my investment. Also, I worry about getting burned. What if I spend $2000 today and then they reduce the price to $500 tomorrow?
Honestly, this is only an issue if Gendai says it's an issue.
as having clients and doing work for them is pretty much part and parcel of being a "Professional" developer.
I think the possibly unethical bit comes when you start offering services to other GameSalad members... specifically to Express members, and offering them services that they would otherwise have to pay for the Pro account to use. This is where it gets a bit dubious, as it could be argued that your using Gendais own software to harm their business by bypassing the need for customers to purchase the pro account.
I dont think there would be any problem with pro users doing work for other pro users though.
As Photics mentions, $2000 is a huge risk for an individual who is gambling on a game to become popular enough to make a $2000+ ROI.
I say if you buy the Pro membership - do whatever the hell you want with it!
Sorry to sound like a broken record, but if "they" have a problem with it, they should change their business model and not sell a tool.
"This account is for your use only. Please do not share this login with anyone."
So I don't think they would like it.
Can it be done? I think so, and I don't think you even need the certificates. I think you just need the Provisioning Profile. The Provisioning Profile is what holds the certificates. Maybe there's more to it !!!