Reset Scene and Reset Game
Whether attributes "Reset Game" or "Reset scene" make my own variables reset to default?
like Score=560 if it is reset scene or reset game my score=0 (default)
Thinking Simple, Do Perfect
Whether attributes "Reset Game" or "Reset scene" make my own variables reset to default?
like Score=560 if it is reset scene or reset game my score=0 (default)
Thinking Simple, Do Perfect
Resent Scene will reset your scene and any scene level attributes to their default values BUT will not reset game level attributes. You'll need to reset any game level attributes by hand with Change Attribute Behaviors when you are resetting your scene. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Thank you @jamie_c for the answered.
Then, i like read and always find what I need in GS forum. But sometimes i don't find it. Like.. I have set alpha color of scene to be zero but if i testing it the black Background color still there. I need my BG gameover scene (except gameover UI) to transparent. So i find the right attributes to make it happend, I use pause game and set gameover scene, run it, then the BG become transparent, so also my main scene i use pause game behavior.
is there any other way to make my gameover scene BG transparent because pause game behavior make my scene difficult to set reset scene or reset game?
I hope you understand what i mean.
sorry for my bad english language
Thinking Simple, Do Perfect
If I am understanding you correctly, you are trying to make a transparent scene background. But how can that be possible? A scene has to have a base color. Have you ever opened an app on your phone and seen through to the electronics inside? Nope... it's either black or some other color/pattern/image as the background.
Making a pause scene transparent makes sense because it is layered on top of another scene and that original (bottom) scene has a scene background with a color/pattern/image that shows through.
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As @tatiang mentions it sounds like the pause game behavior is what you need. You can use an image in your pause scene, say a solid black image covering the full screen, and set the Alpha of the black image to .75. Then the effect on your game screen behind the pause scene will be a 75% black tint placed over the game actors. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@Tatiang Yes, you are understood me correctly.
So, the scenes although i set alpha to zero, it's doesn't take effect to transparent. Hmm..
@jamie_c Thank you jamie i want like that.
how we could look under water of sea from top of boat, if the sea (scene) cannot set to transparent (alpha = 0 ), so best practise still using pause game behaviour. maybe, cause i use GS for windows?
i love GS and i know there still some bugs. Are you know where i can report if i find some bugs?
Thank you guys for answered me, so kind. I have use GameSalad a month, need your expriences to teach me. Don't be tire answer what is in my mind about gamesalad
Thinking Simple, Do Perfect
I'd only use the Pause Game Behavior if you want to actually pause your game. If you just want a transparent effect within a game level/scene I'd use layers to accomplish that. For example using your sea concept.
top layer: would have a boat and anything you wanted above the water
middle layer: would have a water actor/image with an Alpha of reduced value, say .5
bottom layer: would have fish or anything you wanted to be under water
Then the scene would look like: Boat (full color) on top of tinted water, with fish under water (partially the color of the transparent water actor). Hope that makes sense. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Yes, that was make sense. Thank you @jamie_c
Thinking Simple, Do Perfect
@anipowteam, glad it made sense. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page