Location of saved data on device

clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

Two questions that I could use some help with if anyone knows:

1) What is the save location (actual path to - I realize it's not easily accessible on iOS but perhaps via the simulator someone knows) of game data... saved attributes or tables. I'd like to have a look.
2) I'm assuming the format is the same across the different platforms. Is that true?



  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    Ah I think it doesn't matter anyway. I believe the data on the device is obfuscated and so I wouldn't be able to read the saved data or at least not be able to make any sense of it.

  • JSprojectJSproject Member Posts: 730

    Some interesting questions that awoke me from my slumber.. I will go back to sleep after answering this ;)

    @clee2005 said:
    Two questions that I could use some help with if anyone knows:

    1) What is the save location (actual path to - I realize it's not easily accessible on iOS but perhaps via the simulator someone knows) of game data... saved attributes or tables. I'd like to have a look.
    2) I'm assuming the format is the same across the different platforms. Is that true?


    1. The location differs depending on iOS version. I will not give out any details as to the exact locations since I do not see any benefit for anyone in doing so, sorry. Please do not pm me asking either :)

    2. Different location between Android vs iOS.

    Ah I think it doesn't matter anyway. I believe the data on the device is obfuscated and > so I wouldn't be able to read the saved data or at least not be able to make any sense of > it.

    All the game data (your GS project logic) and image files will be encrypted so that data is "safe". However, whenever you use "save attribute" then that data will be saved in sql lite format and fully visible (and modifiable) if a potential attacker knows what to look for (which is rather easy really). When you save something in a table then that table will be saved unencrypted also. Only tables that are pre-set (read only / you do not write to them) will be encrypted and "safe". All the save data can only be reached via a jailbroken device but still.. it's all there if you know what you are looking for.

    Is there any way to "protect" your saved data from "crackers" then you might ask. The answer to that being both yes and no. Most people will not bother to even try to modify your data (and for those who do many will screw up in doing so). For a motivated "cracker" you could really only just hope to make things a bit harder.

    An example of what could be done: In one of my games where I saved high score data to a table I also created an additional column, containing a "check sum", for each high score row so whenever I would save data to the table I would also calculate and write a check sum value to that column. Before posting the data to Game Center I would compare the value of the saved high score to my checksum and then only post the data if the check sum matched.
    Could this be cracked: Absof-ing-lutely, I only just made it a bit harder and more.. ehh.. interesting :)

    Should you lose any sleep over the above? No, probably not and then there is also the "fact" that 99,9% of all the mobile apps that are released will not be noticed by anyone anyways ;)

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    Thanks gentlemen. I thought about giving more context, but refrained when I first posted... but here it is. I've moved on from Gamesalad, but now would like to redo some of my GS apps. In doing so, I'd like to be able to read the saved data when I replace the app (using the same app identifier of course, but an all new app). What I intend to do is read the previously saved GS data, and ensure that the new version of the game continues the progress, score, entitlements etc.

    So if you feel like sharing the information I'd appreciate it.


  • BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
    edited December 2016

    If your app once was live it should be still as unlisted/unpublished in you app account.
    Just hand in a new version.
    if its the same app and you do an update your previous save data is still there and should be loaded.

    So if you saved to attributes you need the keys.
    If you saved into tables you need the exact same formatting + name of the table.
    Do never add or remove cells from the saved tables as it can break the save game.

    IF you totally deleted the app from your app accounts, I don't know if you can re-connect using the same bundle ID /app ID. Also not sure if you can use the same bundle ID again after deleting one app using it.

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    Thanks Dave. I hope your information can help others reading. I should have been more clear. I'm using another tool to redo a gs game. I want the new version of the game to be able to access the old saved settings from gs. That's what this was all about.

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