Why my actors timer start at the same time?
Member Posts: 11
I have 2 actors (customer1 & customer2) with different counter timer. A play/pause actor, and an area actor. At first, i start to work with only customer1 actor timer and it works perfectly with the button play/pause. i had problem when i choose to drag customer1 to the area and press play, both the timer for customer 1 and customer2(which is still outside from the area actor) start counting at the same time. What i want to achieve is when i drag customer1 to area and press play, only the timer for customer 1 start counting. Then i will drag customer2 after the customer1 finished
And before that, i still have problem where the actor counter keep starting when i press play button even though not drag it to area. how can i make the timer start only when it is overlap the area.
This is going to be impossible to answer. As no video or rules are given. Im sure if the project is in front of you this makes perfect sense to you.......
You can have a rule that says the timer will only start when in the overlap area. Just put the timer in a rule.
+1 what @Toque said . . . !
Sorry for sounding like a broken record . . .but without seeing the rules even very very simple issues that might take nothing more than a minute to sort out, can take years of forensic investigation from even the most experienced GS users and still not arrive at an answer !
Like Toque says, this is impossible to answer as you've given no rules, behaviours, conditions, values . . . etc etc . . . maybe you've screwed up with an Otherwise rule you forgot to delete, maybe 'customer 1' and 'customer 2' are both instances of the same actor, maybe your computer is on fire, who knows !?