When A is not equal to A??

I need a behavior to happen whenever an increase in an attribute occurs.
How can I do this without adding an additional attribute?


  • 3absh3absh Member Posts: 601

    What I really need is for a save behavior to happen whenever a change occurs in one of the saved attribute values

  • ApprowApprow Member Posts: 703

    lets say you want to save when a player has a new highscore. create a variable called highscore, and a highscore_check.

    In your save rule say: if highscore > highscore_check

    On the bottom of the save rule bellow all the save attributes say: highscore_check = highscore

  • IceboxIcebox Member Posts: 1,485
    edited December 2016

    There is Approw's way , which works , but you said you dont want to add an additional attribute.

    2 more ways to do it.

    You can do it when the attribute changes
    if condition is true
    change game.score to game.score + 1
    save game.score

    or you can do it this way which i don't recommend

    If mod(game.score,2) = 0
    save game.score
    if mod(game.score,1)=0
    save game.score

    This way it will save whenever it increases by 1 without adding attributes but make sure the second rule is in otherwise

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