Making an actor constrained to 4 positions
Hi, maybe i am typing in the wrong thing in order to find the relevant information to create this behaviour
But what i want is:
1 Actor that has 4 specific positions and can only move to those positions by moving left or right
Thank you in advance
We need more details...
Are the X positions equidistant? That is, something like self.PositionX=100, 150, 200, and 250?
Does the actor "snap" into position (e.g. x=150... press left arrow... now x=100)? Or does it interpolate smoothly to the new position?
I know what you mean by "constrain" but in terms of GameSalad rules, you probably don't actually want to constrain anything. Once we find out more info from you, we can suggest some solutions.
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Ye so the positions are like you said
pos 1 x = * y = 200
pos 2 x = * y = 200
pos 3 x = * y = 200
pos 4 x = * y = 200
and i want it to move smoothly, left and right, using the touch function.
I just cant seem to find out how. all i can manage is to move left and right (basic movement)
What does "pos 1 x = * y = 200" mean?
What are the actual, numerical, X positions (see my example)?
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Ok so I want this actor to move between these exact positions and also be bound to these positions
position 1: x = 80, y = 150
position 2: x = 150, y = 150
position 3: x = 230, y = 150
position 3: x = 300, y = 150
and it can only move left or right.
Is there a reason that position 3 (the first "position 3") is at 230 instead of 220? I know I'm asking a lot of follow-up questions but it would be much easier to program this is x=220 there. Then it's just a matter of interpolating 70 pixels left or right:
If [touch for left]
Change Attribute self.newX to self.Position.X-70
Timer after 0 seconds [run to completion checked]
Interpolate self.Position.X to self.newX
If [touch for right]
Change Attribute self.newX to self.Position.X+70
Timer after 0 seconds [run to completion checked]
Interpolate self.Position.X to self.newX
Obviously, you'd have to prevent the user from touching/swiping left from position 1 or right from position 4. You can do that by wrapping the "touch for left" rule above in an If attribute self.Position.X ≥ 150 condition and wrapping the "touch for right" rule above in an If attribute self.Position.X ≤ 230 condition.
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Ok thanks heaps! Iv got the movements working, but i just don't seem to understand this part exactly:
"Obviously, you'd have to prevent the user from touching/swiping left from position 1 or right from position 4. You can do that by wrapping the "touch for left" rule above in an If attribute self.Position.X ≥ 150 condition and wrapping the "touch for right" rule above in an If attribute self.Position.X ≤ 230 condition."
Iv also tried using collision and colliding with walls and it doesnt seem to work
If you're interpolating the actor's position, you wouldn't use collision rules partly because it's not necessary and partly because collision rules don't work with interpolation.
What don't you understand? "Wrapping a rule" just means putting one rule inside another like this:
If attribute self.Position.X ≥ 150
If [touch for left]
Change Attribute self.newX to self.Position.X-70
Timer after 0 seconds [run to completion checked]
Interpolate self.Position.X to self.newX
The idea is that when the actor is at x=150 or above, you want to enable moving left whereas when x<150 you want to disable it because the actor is/will be at x=80.
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