This might help save your sanity if it happens to you guys.... Read on!

JapsterJapster Member Posts: 672
edited January 2017 in Working with GS (Mac)

So last night I was working on my latest game, saved a few revisions while in GS, and was pleased with what I'd done...

Went to load up my project after a break.... Wouldn't load. Tried a previous version. Wouldn't load. then a third.... ARRRGH! Closed Creator several times, rebooted, still no joy.

Kept getting the message "This project was created in a newer version of Creator". Nope, I'm using the latest. So, tried DBA's excellent tools to try and merge/fix/optimised/re-save the project. No joy...

By now I was getting seriously annoyed! - LOTS of work done, some of which was pretty complex...

So I downloaded Creator again, re-installed, tried loading one of the duff projects again, then got a strange message:-

Anyway, after much head-scratching, repeating the motions of adding gfx etc, but to an earlier project, I found that for some reason one of my GFX files had a weird character in (must have happened while saving in PS)... The name looked fine (PM_Logo5), but after checking it in another app's OPEN dialog box (it looked fine also in GS's OPEN box, I could see it was actually (PM_%10Logo5) (A line feed in there for some reason!)...

After manually editing the package and renaming the offending file, then all references to it (couldn't see the LF character in Finder OR in the XML files, just had to delete the invisible LF to the left of the 'L', I held my breath, fired it up, and it worked! - I'd pretty much almost given up on fixing this snapshot, and trying to re-think the 3-4 hours' work I'd done, so huge relief!

Yep, it's pretty unlikely you guys will hit the exact SAME problem, but it shows that if ONE wrong illegal character can seemingly completely screw up a project and lose hours worths of work (even though I'd saved snapshots), and more dangerous was that it didn't show as an issue/showstopper until I actually exited and re-loaded the project/GS!), and it's in a filename, you may well get the same issue I got, so hopefully this will help someone recover work they thought they'd lost, at some point in the future!...

I stress, this is NOT meant to be a dig a GS - TOTALLY not GS's fault, just almost gave me a heart attack when it happened, and trying to pass some preventative advice on!


  • ToqueToque Member Posts: 1,188

    A pain. Glad you figured it out.

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @Japster "... I found that for some reason one of my GFX files had a weird character in (must have happened while saving in PS)..."

    I guess PS means Photoshop? I told you guys that Adobe don't fix any of their bugs. :#

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