Game lag when turning attributes on/off

mike.pecorinomike.pecorino Member, PRO Posts: 1
edited January 2017 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi everyone,

Does anyone experience a lag when using touch controls?

I have continuous motion on all of my actors (at any given point in time, an actor is moving continuously across the screen). I would like for an actor to be destroyed after:

touch count = 0

The reason I want to use touch count and not "when touch is released" or when "touch is outside", is because the game is set up to highlight multiple actors before destroying. So basically, you touch the screen, move your finger across multiple actors, and when you lift your finger off the screen, destroy all the actors that were highlighted. I would also like to point out that I am using the same actor over and over, constantly spawning the same actor and this actor is involved in all of the highlight and destroy.

So I am using the touch count, but the issue is that whenever the touch count changes from 0 to 1, the game seems to have a lag with the calculation, and this lag is noticeable in the actors that are moving continuously, as described in the first paragraph above.

I have even tried this a variety of ways, for example, not using the touch count, but setting up a "screen" actor, and setting up a game attribute of when the "screen" is touched, changed game.screenpress to 1, when not touched change to 0. Exactly what the touch count would do..... but still get a lag.

I have done Ad Hoc testing, the lag exists there as well.

Any ideas out there?

Thanks everyone!


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