is it possible to make crossword game?
A client asked me to create crossword puzzle app. He already have the puzzles ready (words and their grid arrangement) in excel file.
He wants some animation, and in general something like this one:
now, before I go on purchasing the pro edition I just want to be sure that this is feasible in GameSalad and it would be more helpful if there is someone who has done it before.
Like most things I've tried to create, I've no doubt that this could be done without a problem in GS - obviously, there are easier ways and harder ways to do it!
If you've not got a lot of experience in GS, then you may well find suitable starting templates on a few of the template sites, or possibly even get one of the established long-timers to create the 'bones' (or all!) of it for a proportion of what you've agreed with the client?
Yes, if the puzzles are already generated and stored in tables, it wouldn't be especially difficult to make a crossword app using GameSalad.
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