Membership cancellation until new game idea
Hi there,
I am just curious if is it against the terms to cancel the membership after my game gets published and renew it when I will have a new game idea?
My problem is that I never done game business and this will be my first game ( i am working on it for 4 months) am not sure that my game would make that much to cover the monthly pro fee...
No, this is against the terms of use, once you have signed up for membership you can never leave, you must remain a GameSalad user for the rest of your natural life, death is the only way out of GameSalad.
Got it
) Great reply, thanks! I was just confused about leaving then coming back when I have a new idea, then leave again and doing this back and forth. Anyways, thanks! 
When I want to leave GameSalad for a while I simply fake my own death - I usually go for the old trick of leaving all my clothes at the edge of a cliff so that people assume I've gone mad and jumped (for some unknown reason naked) over the cliff to my death, and on not finding my body on the beach below the GameSalad-User-Death-Investigation-Team would have to assume my shattered remains had been carried off by a team of highly organised seagulls, and so on that evidence cancel my GS subscription.
But seriously
you can buy GameSalad by the month, mix and match as you see fit.
POLAR ROLLOUT (New Line-Drawing Physics Puzzler!) - FREE Download
Huh! That explains why you have made 11,988 posts.
Hey, let's celebrate when you hit 12,000... which will probably be before I finish typing this.
That could be turned into a pretty sweet shirt idea.