Possible to use Chartboost for Reward Ads and Tapdaq for Cross Promotion?
Is this possible? It was pretty cool to see Tapdaq support added, however with Reward Ads being tied to Interstitial it seems we can't take advantage of both features? Is this correct?
Wondering if it is possible to have a game with reward ads AND cross promotion through Tapdaq?
Hey! Thanks for your interest in using Tapdaq.
With regards to your question, it is completely possible with our platform. You can use our mediation feature to show Reward Ads from Chartboost (and any other networks you desire), alongside cross-promotion campaigns. Even better, once you're set up you'll be able to both from just one screen inside our dashboard.
Our docs section will walk you through step by step in integrating our SDK, but feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any issues.
@alastairtapdaq We can now use Tapdaq mediation with Gamesalad?
@RossmanBrothersGames - did you ever find a resolution to this? I'm in exactly the same situation and am worried I'm about to miss out on a publishing deal because of this!
Sorry I never pursued it to see if it was possible. My best advice would be to make a tapdaq account and chart boost account, set it all up and see if it works.