Gendai question.

If your browsing the forum could someone please tell me if I have permission to use the game salad logo or even the name for my application iTutorial?
(I know previously I said i'm leaving but iTutorial is an Xcode app).
(I know previously I said i'm leaving but iTutorial is an Xcode app).
@iDeveloperz, what exactly you are doing, what is this iTutorial? A GS tutorial?
HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available near the end of the thread!
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It has nothing to do with the game salad engine, but shows the newer users how to use it.
The one time I saw someone from Gendai say no about using the logo was in our mini-games discussion, when we wanted to theme them based on the little bowlboy...
However, as far as using their logo to identify the GameSalad-related tutorials in your tutorial catalog app..I'd consider that "fair use" (look it up)...or ask Photics (the guy who wrote the unofficial guide to GameSalad)
I made the icon myself. But you can tell that it's the game salad logo. It's only used once and thats the icon. I cant see it being any harm. After all i'm sort of advertising for them.