Advice on iOS Ad Network (for interstitial ads)
Hi All,
I am about to publish my first game to the App Store and was wondering if anyone has any advice on what ad network is best for interstitial ads for iOS. There are 5 options:
Admob, Chartboost, Playhaven, Rev Mob, Tapdaq
Any tips/advice would be much appreciated.
I use chartboost for ios and for amazon. (i used revmob first, but chartboost works better for me)
and for android i use admob, work better than chartboost for me on android
for both i use static and video interstitial ads
i havent tried tapdaq yet
I've tried a few but it didn't really make much difference when it's pennies.
I just use admob now and one game on rev mob.
Thanks Guys, appreciate the comments.
chartboost for interstitial and rewarded videos
Admob for banners
in-apps to remove ads and sell an extra feature with it
this combination pays my bills
never tested admob interstitials but I think game salad also only supports rewarded videos by chartboost
My Apps
So Chartboost is the only network available on GS that supports rewarded videos? What about ad mediation? Do any of the supported networks have ad mediation? What about both? Any of them have both? I can't find much info on this topic! @BigDave ?
Has anyone ever tried a combination of Chartboost for rewarded ads and Admob for interstitials, in the same project? This would allow for Admob's mediation capabilities on the interstitials but also give the opportunity for rewarded ads in the game (which GS doesn't support for Admob).