Rule limitations and contain statements
Hi folks, So I finally have a working PC again so I´m back at this. I have a problem though and its a doozy. I know text attributes have a limit in terms of how much content they can have but is there a similar limit regarding individual cells in tables? I ask because in an attempt to improve performance I tried to mimic a text attribute by using individual cells to improve search speed for solutions in a boggle like game. When I used a table there was a discernable lag as it searched for each word before giving it as correct. Using text attributes was much quicker (I started this project by using an old t-shirtbooth template) but it suffered from the limit per text attribute and I have a very large dictionary and if implement that method I would need 271 attributes which isn´t feasible. So I decided to create another table with only 27 cells where each cell is essentially a text attribute without the limit. Performance has improved significantly however its not finding all the words. Its as if it gets to a particular point and then stops. Words in the same cell wont be found. One will and another wont. So is there a limit as to much text it will look at in a cell? if so, whats the limit?
I actually ended up doing the 270 cells but hit another snag. It seems having to search all 270 cell contents at the same time prevents it from actually searching. Using contain statements. Nothing gets done. When I checked with 75 it worked. Is there a limit regarding how many rules you can set at any one point? If so, how many?
I'm gonna direct you to a thread you created in December:
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
That's a different thing altogether. Let me try to explain myself again:
1. Is there a limit in the amount of text in a cell that can placed and be searchable before GS stops searching (I ask because some words are found buts others are not within the same cell. It finds the first chunk of words in that cell just fine and then later words are not. I haven't been able to identify a cut of point. When I reduced the amount of text then all words are found. Reducing the amount of text has it its own problems hence trying to avoid that. )
2. Is there a limit as to the number of conditions that can be placed within a rule? (I've put 75 conditions in one rule and it worked fine but when I scaled it even further to 268 rules the it refused to work compeletely)
Why would you need 75 conditions or 268 rules !
I wonder what type of game your making
I have whole games with less than 268 rules.
Sorry, I thought you were suggesting that you were doing all of this because searching through a table for a word was too slow. From the thread I linked to, it's clear that searching even large volumes of words (table rows) is extremely fast.
But no, I didn't address the problem you described because it seemed not to be the best way to do things. I probably misunderstood though!
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Sorry meant 268 conditions. But I get your point nonetheless. Its not even an ideal scenario and wouldn´t need to do it that way if it wasn´t acting up regarding locating all the words in cells. This goes round that.
I understand and joking a little. Bug testing must be very difficult for you. Break your computer frustrating.
I would assume that all conditions would be tested in the rule. There would be no limit in number as long as the actor isn't destroyed during process.
I don't use tables so I get these awkward large # variables. But nothing near 268.
I hope someone can help you.