music not working
in Help Wanted
my music on my game is playing on the viewer but when I try it on my android device there is no music
my music on my game is playing on the viewer but when I try it on my android device there is no music
I've seen this problem a couple of times.
I'd recommend this: delete the music file and reimport it. Make sure the file name has no spaces or strange special characters -- I'd recommend using only letters, numbers and underscores.
For example:
Heather's Song #04.mp3
I would change toHeathers_Song_04.mp3
You can even go all out and not use capital letters either.
When I follow these guidelines I don't have any problems.
Further to what pHghost says I would just add that it's best to avoid 'hair metal' and certain pop/reggae hybrids.
Sinatra and Jobim work just fine... until you get pinged over copyright!
I cant believe it actually fixed the problem!! thanks guys!
damn copyright!
Cool! Happy to hear it!
I mean about your success. I obviously cannot hear the music, even though it's playing now.
you can hear the music when i publish the game!
thanks for the help everyone!