Rookie need help
Hi everyone,
My name is Viktor and to be honest i am very new in this,but i want to learn a lot about game developing and the only problem is my START,i have few questions: Is Game Salad inouf to start learning and if is not what i need to start with
GS is a great tool to start out with, and to stay with also ;-)
Do some google searches on GS tutorials, watch GS videos on youtube, and get a grasp of the basics, and then you are on a roll and can not stop....
Best of luck!
Welcome aboard @viktorarsovski0. As @johnnymagne mentions there are lots of free tutorials to help get you started. I have a bunch linked in my signature below if you want to check them out. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Tutorials are the way to go!! Start there. Tons on you tube.
youtube use this
and jamie cross