Saving/Loading to remember unlocked characters
Hey everyone, Im currently trying to keep my characters unlocked when the app is closed and relaunched.
Currently, when the app is closed, everything resets (apart from my levels as I have managed to set that up).
The picture above is the button that must be clicked in order to unlock that animal.
The picture above is my table set up.
The picture above is the button you click to go into the animal selection (so where the attributes should kick in to recall which had been previously unlocked).
So pretty much I just want it to remember what animals are unlocked.
It can remember the levels but what I've done with the level isn't working with the animals.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
P.s. Thats my set up for whether or not the unlocked animal is spawned or the locked version is spawned. All this is done on a Mac as well.
With tables, you need to use the Change Table Value behaviour. Then Save Table.
Save and Load Attribute don't work with tables.
So, when rather than saving attribute do a change table value and then save table.
Then load all the table values on the menu page?
If it's in a table and you are reading the data from the table, you don't need a 'load' behaviour. A saved table will always give you the saved data.
Thank you! I did it!
Great, congrats! Looking forward to your game!