Enemy Spawn help
Hey Guys, I am working on a tank game concept. It is basically a platform game but you are a tank. I am having some issues with my enemy plane spawners. Right now I have it some the enemy will spawn at gameHeroX+800 and Y random (595,650) this works really well until my hero (tank) Y position increases as he makes his way thought the scene. As you would guess as my tank maneuvers up ramps soon or later the plane is at the same Y position.
How can I make it so the plans alway spawn higher than my tanks and at random positions?
Plane X = Hero X + 800
Plane Y = Hero Y +random (A,B)
Spawn Y = game.TankY + random(400,450)
For example.
The game.TankY is an attribute you need to make. Either constrain it to the tank Y in the tank actor, or if you don't spawn too often or can deal with small imprecision, just update the game.TankY every 10 seconds or so.
Ah, beat to the punch. Sometimes I wish the forums would give you a notification if someone has posted an answer in a thread you are responding to.
The forum gives you notifications for @ mentions, so should be possible.
@Socks and @pHghost Thanks Guys!